Sample applications in play

The Play binary package comes with a comprehensive set of sample applications written in both Java and Scala. This is a very good place to look for code snippets and examples.

Hello world

This is a very basic application that demonstrates Play fundamentals:

  • Writing controllers and actions.
  • Routing and reverse routing.
  • Linking to public assets.
  • Using the template engine.
  • Handling forms with validation.

Computer database


This is a classic CRUD application, backed by a JDBC database. It demonstrates:
  • accessing a JDBC database, using Ebean in Java and Anorm in Scala
  • table pagination and CRUD forms
  • integrating with a CSS framework (Twitter Bootstrap ).
Twitter Bootstrap requires a different form layout to the default layout provided by the Play 2.0 form helper, so this application also provides an example of integrating a custom form input constructor.


This is a dummy application presenting several typical form usages. It demonstrates:
  • writing complex forms with validation
  • handling forms with dynamically repeated values.


This advanced todo list demonstrates a modern Ajax-based web application. This is a work in progress, and we plan to add features in the future releases. For now you can check it out to learn how to:
  • integrate authentication and security
  • use Ajax and JavaScript reverse routing
  • integrate with compiled assets - LESS CSS and CoffeeScript.


This a very simple Comet demonstration pushing clock events from the server to the Web browser using a the forever-frame technique. It demonstrates how to:
  • create a Comet connection
  • use Akka actors (in the Java version)
  • write custom Enumerators (in the Scala version).

WebSocket chat

This application is a chat room, built using WebSockets. Additionally, there is a bot used that talks in the same chat room. It demonstrates:
  • WebSocket connections
  • advanced Akka usage.

Comet monitoring


This mobile web application monitors Play server performance. It demonstrates:
  • advanced usage of Enumerators and Enumeratees.



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