Editor TinyMCE in Django admin
Let stepwise Make the download of TinyMCE Create folder structure template Configure TEMPLATE_DIRS in settings.py of your project ( example below ) Edit the urls.py Edit admin.py Create configuration file TinyMCE 1. Download TinyMCE you can download tinymce from http://www.tinymce.com/download/download.php 2. Structure The folder structure is something like: project app templates css js tinymce Place the folder inside tinymce project> templates> js , as shown above. 3. TEMPLATE_DIRS (settings.py) Edit the settings.py and edit / add these lines: import the . path TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( the . path . join ( the . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , 'templates' ) , ) 4. Serving static files Open the file urls.py (the project root) and add the line 3 as below: ...