
Showing posts from December, 2012


<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> 1.postgres sql query create database as student -- Table: result -- DROP TABLE result; CREATE TABLE result (   resultid bigserial NOT NULL,   semester character varying(250) NOT NULL,   mark character varying(250) NOT NULL,   CONSTRAINT resultid PRIMARY KEY (resultid ) ) WITH (   OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE result   OWNER TO postgres; -- Table: studentdetails -- DROP TABLE studentdetails; CREATE TABLE studentdetails (   studentid bigserial NOT NULL,   studentname character varying(250) NOT NULL,   studentgender character varying(250) NOT NULL,   studentclass character varying(250) NOT NULL,   studentdivision character varying(250) NOT NULL, result_student_id integer,     CONSTRAINT studentid PRIMARY KEY (studentid ) ) WITH (   OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE studentdetails   OWNER TO postgres; 2.web.xml <web-app> <display-name>Student</display-na...

Struts2 and Hibernate2 CRUD Example in NetBeans

1.postgres sql query create database as student CREATE SEQUENCE result_resultid_seq; CREATE TABLE Result ( resultid BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('result_resultid_seq'), semester VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, mark VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, studentid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT resultid PRIMARY KEY (resultid) ); ALTER SEQUENCE result_resultid_seq OWNED BY Result.resultid; CREATE SEQUENCE studentdetails_studentid_seq; CREATE TABLE studentDetails ( studentid BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('studentdetails_studentid_seq'), studentName VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, StudentGender VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, studentClass VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, studentDivision VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, result_student_id integer, CONSTRAINT studentid PRIMARY KEY (studentid) ); ALTER SEQUENCE studentdetails_studentid_seq OWNED BY studentDetails.studentid; 2. web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF...

Sixth Sense - Social Car Pooling With NLP and GeoSpatial Data

Introduction What is the easiest thing to do on earth, NOW? My answer would be : Updating my Facebook status . What if your status updates could bring you smart benefits and relevant real-world deals around your friends circle? This is a Facebook application that could read and process the user status update and also allow user to update the status from within the application. Your status messages regarding travelling are identified and interpreted using Natural Language Processing techniques. The source (post origin by default) , destination and time are stored in the database.If one of your friends are updating their status with travel-related content and if its related to your travel, bingo! You and your friend get a travel deal notification. As Ultrabooks are more mobile, long batter backup that supports traveling and have acceleration measurements, it would be an ideal platform to run the application.  Example: James Status update: Gonna have a ...