
Showing posts from November, 2012

Servlet and JSP development with Eclipse WTP

Eclipse Web Tool Platform (WTP) This tutorial describes the development of servlets and JSPs with Eclipse WTP. This tutorial is based on Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) and Tomcat 6.0 and JDK 1.6.  1. Eclipse Web Tool Platform Eclipse WTP provides tools for developing standard Java web applications and Java EE applications. Typical web artifacts in a Java environment are HTML pages, XML files, webservices, servlets and JSPs. Eclipse WTP simplifies the creation these web artifacts and provides runtime environments in which these artifacts can be deployed, started and debugged. ...

Introduction into Java Web development

Java Web technologies This article gives an overview of the standard web technologies for Java. It explains the terms web applications, servlets, JSPs and web container.  1. Web development 1.1. Overview Java has strong support for web development. The following gives an overview of the available Java technologies starting with an explanation of web applications and then highlighting important standards in Java. After you finished the overview you can create your first Java web application with Ser...

introduction post

hi friends,            I am krishnadas from kerala this blog is started for biginers in j2ee web development. i hope this blog will help you to know about new tricks and technologies in java.